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The SandZapper removes sand and other solids from

oil production fluids. Our solids/liquids hydrocyclone separation technology achievesup to a 90% efficiency rate

ASAP Sandzapper Desander, Oil Solids Removal Unit for Onshore Production Facilities
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Place the SandZapper after the wellhead or header(s) upstream of facility separation and processing equipment to capture solids and improve operational profitability:


✓Decrease equipment cleanout expenses

✓Optimize operating efficiencies of surface equipment

✓Reduce shutdown frequency to eliminate lost production revenues
✓Extend the lifecycle of facility equipment, especially valves & piping

Solids Captured by SandZapper

Solids Captured by SandZapper

Solids collected at the bottom of sludge bin of SandZapper 5K2D. Los Angeles, California

SandZapper 5K2D at the Wellhead

SandZapper 5K2D at the Wellhead

5,250 BFPD with 2" diameter hydrocyclones. Targeting fine solids 20 microns and above. ✓Decrease equipment cleanout expenses ✓Optimize operating efficiencies of surface equipment ✓Reduce shutdown frequency to eliminate lost production revenues

SandZapper 5K2D at the Wellhead

SandZapper 5K2D at the Wellhead

5,250 BFPD with 2" diameter hydrocyclones. Targeting fine solids 20 microns and above.

SZ 2K2D at a Production Facility

SZ 2K2D at a Production Facility

SANDZAPPER DESIGN BENEFITS SandZapper helps operators improve their sand control efforts for a specific problematic well or for a complete oilfield experiencing formation sand problems. Because the SandZapper has a very small footprint, it can be easily installed at existing facilities.

SZ 12K3D at a Production Facility

SZ 12K3D at a Production Facility

Option to install a solar/ electrical powered automated valve system that controls the discharge frequency of the solids Minimal moving parts or electronics Units can also be arranged in parallel to fulfill any volume requirements

SZ 2K2D at a Production Facility

SZ 2K2D at a Production Facility

SandZapper is a non-invasive, hands-off formation approach to sand control. Is ideal for wells in which the integrity of the producing formation could be compromised if more enhancement techniques or downhole sand control 2,250 BFPD with 3" diameter hydrocyclones. Targeting fine solids 40 microns and above.techniques are performed on the pay zone.

SandZapper 5K2D at the Wellhead

SandZapper 5K2D at the Wellhead

5,250 BFPD with 2" diameter hydrocyclones. Targeting fine solids 20 microns and above. SZ Installed at the wellhead, Los Angeles, California. The SandZapper removes sand and other solids from oil production fluids. Our solids/liquids hydrocyclone separation technology achieves up to a 90% efficiency rate.

Solids Captured by SandZapper

Solids Captured by SandZapper

Solids collected at the bottom of sludge bin of SandZapper 5K2D. Los Angeles, California

Solids Captured by SandZapper

Solids Captured by SandZapper

Solids collected at the bottom of sludge bin of SandZapper 5K2D. Los Angeles, California

Solids Captured by SandZapper

Solids Captured by SandZapper

Solids collected at the bottom of sludge bin of SandZapper 5K2D. Los Angeles, California

SandZapper 2K-  2" & 1" Combo

SandZapper 2K- 2" & 1" Combo

SandZapper can process from 500 to 54,000 BFPD. Hydrocyclones are built in ceramic and resist temperatures up to 800°F. Minimal differential pressure change. Between 6 to 13 psi.

SandZapper 12K3D Desander Unit

SandZapper 12K3D Desander Unit

12,000 BFPD with 3" diameter hydrocyclones. Targeting fine solids 40 microns and above.

SZ5K2D Loading into a Flatbed Truck

SZ5K2D Loading into a Flatbed Truck

SandZapper can process from 500 to 54,000 BFPD. Units can also be arranged in parallel to fulfill any volume requirements

SZ5K2D Unloading

SZ5K2D Unloading

Because the SandZapper has a very small footprint, it can be easily installed at existing facilities. Easy to load and unload 5,250 BFPD with 2" diameter hydrocyclones. Targeting fine solids 20 microns and above.

SZ5K2D Unloading

SZ5K2D Unloading

Because the SandZapper has a very small footprint, it can be easily installed at existing facilities. Easy to load and unload



Superior sand control for unconsolidated / consolidated formations,  a non-invasive approach to desanding. Maximize production, reduce costs and minimize risks.


The SandZapper is a solids-liquids hydrocyclone separator that typically removes 90% of particles 20 microns and larger from raw production fluid streams at the surface, preventing sanding of FWKO’s, heater treaters, tanks, and other facility processing equipment




Improve operational profitability!  Place the SandZapper after the wellhead or header(s) of known sand producing wells, or upstream of FWKO to capture entire field’s sand:


✓ Optimize operating efficiencies of surface equipment

✓ Decrease separator and tank cleanout expenses

✓ Reduce shutdown frequency to eliminate lost production revenues

✓ Extend the lifecycle of facility equipment, especially valves, chokes, and piping

✓ ASAP offers the best warranties in the business!




ASAP can achieve efficient removal of solids as small as 10 microns and process flows up to 1,575gpm:


• Polish wastewater for injection wells

• Process Frac Flowback Water

• Capture solids at construction dewatering projects

• Wastewater pre-treatment in lieu of sand or other multimedia filtration units




  • SandZapper helps operators improve their sand control efforts for a specific problematic well or for a complete oilfield  experiencing formation sand  problems

  • Because the SandZapper has a very small footprint, it can be easily installed at existing facilities

  • SandZapper can process from 500 to 132,000 bfpd

  • Hydrocyclonesare built in ceramic and resist temperatures up to 800°F

  • Minimal pressure drop required (15 psi) 

  • Separation process never stops: even when solids are discharged to the accumulator tank, the hydrocyclones are still capturing solids without interference

  • Option to install a solar/ electrical powered automated valve system that controls the discharge frequency of the solids

  • Minimal moving parts or electronics

  • Units can also be arranged in parallel to fulfill any volume requirements




  • Operating Temperature: 250° F

  • Process Capacity: 750 to 5,250 bfpd

  • Normal Operating Pressure: 50-200 psi

  • Differential Pressure: > 15 psi

  • Admission Connection: Flanged 3"- ANSI 150

  • Discharge Connection: Flanged 3"- ANSI 150

  • Weight: 900 kg/1,984 lb





1. Cylinder Diameter

  • The diameter of a hydrocyclone is defined as the inner diameter of the cylinder body. ASAP’s standard model has an internal diameter of 3". Hydrocyclone's diameter is the most important measurement for the proper selection of the size of the unit. The cylinder diameter is directly proportional to the capacity and inversely proportional to particle size separation.


2. Cone Angle

  • It keeps the force of angular acceleration on the rotating fluids that departs from the inlet. The correct angles of the cone have been achieved through many years of study in the field.  The cone angle is inversely proportional to particle size separation.

3. Input Area (Inlet)

  • The inlet converts the flow coming through the pipe into a vortex flow pattern with minimal radial turbulence. The input area is directly proportional to the flow capacity and inversely proportional to particle size separation.


4. Vortex (Vortex Finder)

  • The Vortex is an annular cylinder surrounding the overflowing fluid. It is located at the center of the inlet chamber and allows annular flow for the incoming radial jet. The diameter of the vortex is proportional to the capacity and inversely proportional to particle size separation.


5. Apex (Hydrocyclone Lower Opening)

  • The lower opening (apex) of the hydro cyclone is the section in which the solids exit the unit.The Apex is located at the bottom of the cyclone for units installed vertically, although the SandZapper can  also be installed in a variety of angles depending on the application.



  • Positioning an Accumulator below the Rejection Chamber prevents lighter oil/emulsion from being inadvertently captured and removed from the raw fluid stream 

  • Solids forced downward into the Rejection Chamber will settle all the way down to the bottom of the Accumulator

  • When the cavity of the Accumulator is detected to be full of solids slurry, the system automatically initiates a Discharge Cycle, isolating the Accumulator from the Rejection Chamber (and process fluid), then opening the Accumulator Drain Valve and a vacuum break valve (or actuating pneumatics for discharge assistance).

  • The water mixed with captured solids slurry in the cavity of the Accumulator prevents build-up of dangerous gas or the possibility of flashing

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